Re(2): Re(2): On Leontiev

From: Phillip White (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 19:11:22 PDT writes:

        Paul scrobe:
>Phil, I wasn't calling names, I was just noting how he had identified
>major philosophical directions (each with its corresponding psychology) as
>opposed to the marxist position. the operative word for me was "neatly"

        oh, gads! i blundered! i didn't mean you, i meant the terminology
Leontiev used ..... sorry.
>but the term "Communist Soviet political dogma" itself reflects a dogma.

        what dogma is that?
>I tend to look at reading Leont'ev as a question of developing
>what wasn't developed (including where political ideology restrained
>development) as opposed one of weeding out. undesirable "Communist
>political dogma".

        totally cool! clearly i'm a more peripheral participant in this activity


          / \ / \ / \
 / \ / \

 Buddha speaking to Vasettha:
          One is not a brahmin by birth,
          Nor by birth a non-brahmin.
          By action is one a brahmin,
          by action is one a non-brahmin.
                                So that is how the truly wise
                                See action as it really is,
                                Seers of dependent origination,
                                Skilled in actions and its results.
                                                  Action makes the world
go round,
                                                  Action makes this
generation turn.
                                                  Living beings are bound
by action
                                                  Like the chariot wheel
by the pin.

phillip white
third grade teacher
doctoral student
scrambling a dissertation
denver, colorado

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