Re: peircing remarks/sense and sensibility

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 11:38:23 PDT writes:
>Gary-- Maybe I have Piercian intuitions? I felt there was some more
>"out there," our of "personal control" about meaning than sense. At
>the same time, I make SOME sense of a phrase like constructing
>meaning. Individuals don't construct meanings, they they were not
>handed down irrevocably by God/Darwin either. They emerge through
>joint activity of biologically human organisms. I think/believe?

i am not sure how to make sense out of any of what this all means.
i mean, there is a sense of this being a definition-discussion, but that
mean some effort if being made to concretize what meanings make the most
wouldn' t?
it seems sensible to wonder if words have meanings, and that writing about
what meanings "mean" is a meta-lingual search?

i;m not sure. i mean, this doesn't make sense.
but then i haven't the canonical sensibilities to grasp the meanings,
what would jane austen think?

                                        :point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.

(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")

diane celia hodges

 university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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 university of colorado, denver, school of education

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