Re: Teachers as Luddites

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 05:26:49 PST

Yes, I was thinking about 'resistance' from another perspective -- The
reason I took the title as sarcasm was because of strategies I have seen
to 'teacher-proof' things, so that the intended design of the technology
would not be bent by what the teacher did with it. Aaccckk!

IMHO I don't see things changing soon for teaching practices per se -- I
concur there are some big gaps between the hype and what elementary
teachers are doing, are trying to accomplish.


>> At first I was appalled by the title of Mary's paper. "Teachers as
>> Luddites'? I cringed, but in a fraction of a second saw sarcasm directed
>elsewhere and not disrespect of teachers.
>not sarcasm. the article delves into the Luddites as a means of furnishing
>an account of a failure to enthusiastically pick up a new tool that can
>usefully be construed as an intelligent form of resistance - an attempt
>(that failed) at cultural preservation on the part of the crafts-people
>whose labour was threatened by the advent of the mechanized loom. we were
>making the point that teachers' resistances to new tools were much like the
>luddites' - an intelligent attempt at cultural preservation. likewise doomed
>to failure? too soon to tell...

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