Re: in practice

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 11:57:57 PST

thanks, papa mike, for re-minding a more fruitful (full of queer) way to
move in words here -
i have already sent a ridiculous missive,
wish i had held my forked tongue a bit - but by the same token,

there is a gap between the political and the chat that invariably surfaces

how to act in ways that can acknowledge the interactions of these?
i see it, personally, enacted in the very academic way of working,

that there is a kind of accountability lacking (how redundant am i!) - am
reminded of the
ways postcolonial critic gayatri spivak writes of the violence of the

and how that is irrepressibly recreated here when different languages slip
into these streams -

practice, for here, is languaging - wording worlds - or, often, wording
academe from language-specific
sites -

how to become more multilingual?
thanks for hitting the pause button anyhow.

                                        :point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.

(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")

diane celia hodges

 university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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 university of colorado, denver, school of education

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