Re: giddens and CHAT

Charles Bazerman (bazerman who-is-at
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 09:57:10 -0700 (PDT)

I haven't added my two cents into this discussion yet because Kevin
Leander, who initiated this discussion, is familiar with the literature I
will mention--in part because his advisor Paul Prior is a major
contributor to it. The North American Genre people (the usual
suspects--myself, David Russell, Carol Berkenkotter, Joanne Yates) have
been looking at the role of social typifications in social reproduction,
and have seen genre as one of the major structurational devices in the
course of ongoing action. Giddens is regularly invoked and there are
several more extensive discussions both of giddens and genre as
structurational. Several of Joanne Yates articles have elaborated on this
(although she herself does not invoke the CHAT literature). My most
finished and extensive discussion of these issues is in an essay I wrote
about seven years years ago--"Whose Moment? The Kairotics of
Intersubjectivity." This eventually got published in CONSTRUCTING
EXPERIENCE in 1994. The theoretical introduction of that volume also
brings these ideas together. I am currently working on a volume of
rhetorical theory which draws several structurational approaches in line
with the CHAT tradition, and several others.
I do not know, however, a single essay that simply and only
compares Giddens and CHAT. The essays that I am familiar with draw on them
as compatible resources and attempt to integrate them in pursuit of social
communicative, rhetorical issues.

Chuck Bazerman