munoz who-is-at (Jaime Phillip Munoz)

Jaime Phillip Munoz (munoz who-is-at
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 11:35:05 -0700 (PDT)

Self description of Jaime Phillip Munoz

I am an occupational therapist who teaches in the areas of psychosocial
interventions, culture and rehabilitation, interpersonal communication and
group dynamics and community health issues. My clinical expetise is in
psychosocial interventions. I am currently pursuing a doctoral degree in
developmental and educational psychology at the University of Pittsburgh.
My research interests are in applications of ethnographic and phenomenologic
research methods to a variety of chronic illness conditions and to
family-centered interventions. I am particularly interested in exploring
how family structure and family assumptions impact the educational
biographies of children from diverse backgrunds.
Jaime Phillip Munoz, MS, OTR
Department of Occupational Therapy
Rangos School of Health Sciences
Duquesne University
227 Health Sciences Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15101
w (412) 396-5950 h (412) 492-9549
fax: (412) 396-4343
e-mail: munoz who-is-at