The language and social processes SIG

ENANGEL who-is-at
Mon, 08 Jul 1996 11:34:12 +0800

Hi fellow xmca-ers,

Could someone let me know the name and address of the Chair of the
Language and Social Processes SIG (Special Interest Gp.) of the
AERA (American Educational Research Association)?

Tim (Lensmire), are you on the executive committee?

Judy (Diamondstone), would you know?

I'm a member of this SIG but I have not received any news from it,
and it is not listed in the AREA Call for Proposals info.. Could
someone let me know more about this SIG?

Thanks very much!


P.S. Welcome back Edouard! We miss your contributions!

Angel Lin, Ph.D.
Dept of English
City University of Hong Kong
e-mail: enangel who-is-at