Re: views of nature

Eva Ekeblad (eva.ekeblad who-is-at
Sat, 25 May 1996 19:29:10 +0100

> "UnbewuBt der Freuden, die sie schenket,
> Nie entz_u_ckt von ihrer Herrlichkeit ...
> Gleich dem toten Schlag der Pendeluhr,
> Dient sie knechtisch dem Gesetz der Schwere,
> Die entg_o_tterte Natur."
> -Friedrich Schiller (possibly from Die G_o_tter Griechenlands)

unconscious of the joys that she confers,
never enraptured by her splendour...

like the dead beat of the pendulum clock,
she serves slavishly the law of gravity:
de-deified nature

-- isn't it all referring to Newtonian deanthropomorphized Nature, but
spoken as about a _person_ being enslaved by rigid Laws: when she _has
been_ and _actually is_ a gracious giver who _could be_ (seen as)
extatically aware of her own riches?
