5th-D class, Fall 96

Robert A. DeVillar (radevillar who-is-at ucdavis.edu)
Thu, 16 May 1996 12:44:57 -0800


Our class will be given from 2 to 5 on Mondays, beginning Aug 26th. Our
schedule actually will be to give 3 class sessions up front, prior to the
tutoring experience and one session at the end of the course. In-between,
we will have the tutoring experiences (also 3 hours per weeks, anytime
between 2:30 to 5:30, M, T, W or Th or any combination of those days) and
weekly assignments and sessions on email. This will satisfy the 51 contact
hour requirement for the 3 unit community service course. By the way, the
course is Community Services 110 - 5th Dimension section. I'll forward a
flyer that we put together to distribute to students and post around campus
(we actually produced standard sized flyers, and two different sized
posters -- 17 x 22 and 11 x 17).

Mike, have you received the communication model video we sent you?


Robert A. DeVillar

Director, UC Educational Research Center Tel: (209)
351 East Barstow, Suite 101 FAX: (209)
Fresno, CA 93710
e-mail: radevillar who-is-at ucdavis.edu