Re: Ideal re: coercion

Pam (PAS94003 who-is-at UConnVM.UConn.Edu)
Thu, 25 Apr 96 11:02:55 EDT

I am new to this group, and I have missed much of this conversation,
but I must respond to Franscoise's remarks about "coercion free"
education. It seems to me that we are all being naive and idealistic
when we talk about coercion. Can anyone give me an example of a
truly "coercion free" interaction? Can anyone clearly tell me
what damage coercion does? Is there some necessary coercion?
If so, how do we define it? Where do we draw the line?

Perhaps I'm being too pragmatic in a conversation that is meant to
take place on a more theoretical level...but we are, ultimately,
talking about education, which means we have to be pragmatic at some

Pam Schulze
School of Family Studies
University of Connecticut
PAS94003 who-is-at UCONN.EDU