Dear Dr.(?) Confucius... (Re: "Eat, Drink, Man, Woman"--the movie

Angel M.Y. Lin (mylin who-is-at
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 22:13:04 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for writing your interesting thoughts Phillip and Michael...
I like the movie, too... it's funny and humorous and yes, it captures the
subtle complex human feelings and relationships (e.g., father and
daughter) without the need to spell them out... just conveyed in the small
gestures, movements and expressions...

and Confucius... I'd like to meet him and ask him a lot of questions if I
could go back in time (in a time-machine say...) in his life time, he
was not that successful... the warring warlords didn't listen to him at
all... all he had was a large group of students (70 or so)... his
sayings, I guess, like the sayings of many great philosophers perhaps,
cannot be easily understood out of context (his historical, political,
economic and sociocultural context)... including his patriarchical sayings...
I guess...
Not to mention therewere many different "constructions" of his teachings
in the hands of different emperors in Chinese history...
