Babe (The movie)

Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 13:52:08 -0800

Hi Everyone, A while back I got to see an Australian movie called
"Babe". It is about a little piglet, whose mom gets slaughtered
and who is raised by a sheep dog. The movie casts live animals
with voice over. Babe (the little piglet) learns to round sheep
just like a sheep dog (even winning a sheep rounding contest) and
so takes position in the nature/nurture debate ( or the
social-indidual, individual-social debate). There were some other
apsects of the movie though that made me think. There was a duck
that crowed like a rooster every morning, to escape his fate which
is to be eaten by the farmers. To me the duck's efforts also
reminded me of some writers who write (crow like roosters) so as
to escape their fate (which is to be eaten by their parents). This
must G. Orwell in a different light, in a different medium and from
a really faraway place.

Francoise Francoise Herrmann fherrmann who-is-at