[Xmca-l] Re: "conscious awareness enters through the gate" (a Participation Question)

David Kellogg dkellogg60@gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 16:17:01 PDT 2020

Michael--This does seem to be a separate topic, so I've replied separately.
But there is one more name to add to the list.

On p. 95 of the English CW, Vygotsky gives a reference to Clara Grunwald
(1877-1943), who was a close friend and collaborator of Maria Montessori
until the two fell out over Montessori’s support for fascism. Clara wrote
articles and books about Montessori’s method in German and many of these
give anecdotes and accounts of children’s concepts. Later, Clara set up a
Montessori school and an experimental farm for children, organized
resistance to Hitler with the Quakers, hid Jewish children in her own home,
and eventually shared their fate in the gas chambers at Auschwitz

There are schools named after Clara in Germany. It's a name we should never
forget. Vygotsky didn't..

David Kellogg
Sangmyung University

New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam: A manual and a manifesto.
Outlines, Spring 2020
New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: *L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological
Works* *Volume
One: Foundations of Pedology*"

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 9:55 PM Glassman, Michael <glassman.13@osu.edu>

> Here is a question I have for people who do a lot of direct reading of
> Vygotsky and I hope some on this list can help me. In his paper on the
> psychology of the actor he cite Liubov Gurevich. From what I can remember
> this is the only time he cited a female scholar (the period seems to be
> intensely misogynist).  I think Vygotsky would have gotten blowback on
> this. My question is do people know of another time he cited a female
> scholar (other than Gurevich). I think this is consequential and I am
> trying to figure out how consequential.
> Thanks in advance for anybody who might be able to help.
> p.s: Gurevich was Stanislavski’s literary advisor, editor and confidante
> but she was also an incredibly influential figure in Russian/Soviet
> literature in her own right.
> Michael
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