[Xmca-l] Re: Repair in inner speech

Peter Feigenbaum [Staff] pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
Wed Apr 3 08:00:21 PDT 2019


Yes, you caught me making a statement about Vygotsky's account of the
relationship between private and inner speech that is true as a general
gloss, but that I know to be untrue in its particulars. While private
speech does eventually assume the mental functions attributable to inner
speech as it nears the end of its development around age 6 or 7, it does
not start its life with those functions. Somewhere between its initial
appearance (as early as age 1.5 to age 2 in precocious children) and age
6-7, private speech undergoes the most profound changes as an instrument of
cognition, developing the capacity to not only *reflect* practical
activity, but to also *direct* it. The development of the "planning
function" of private speech is, I would argue, a prerequisite to private
speech's functioning in a way that resembles the functioning of inner

Furthermore, the work has yet to be done that will reveal how speaking
monologically (i.e., aloud to one's self) enables a child to think
dialogically (i.e., inter-subjectively). That is the topic that I am
currently investigating with Jeremy Sawyer. We are exploring how the
fantasy-based private speech conversations of 4-year-olds (in a play
activity) compare to the plan-based private speech conversations of
8-year-olds (in a problem-solving activity). We are seeking to understand
not only how private speech operates differently for the two age groups
with respect to its relation to ongoing activity, but also how the forms of
conversational exchange develop during this period (e.g., comment-comment
vs. question-answer).

Much more work yet to be done on private speech!


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 7:11 PM David Kellogg <dkellogg60@gmail.com> wrote:

> Peter, Henry--
> I have always been very suspcious of the idea that inner speech is simply
> non-vocalized private speech. What Vygotsky says is that this may be true
> of very small children, but with seven-year-olds, there are huge
> grammatical differences between inner speech and private speech (in
> Hallidayan terms, inner speech deletes Theme and Given and consists only of
> a stream of Rheme and New: what Vygotsky says is that it is "predicative").
> There is a kind of Chinese painting that is supposed to be spontaneous and
> calligraphic: you want to catch lots of aleatory effects like drips and
> "flying ink". Of course, these effects are hard to control, and so you end
> up throwing away hundreds of sheets of paper for every paper you save. Oil
> painting is exactly the opposite, because when you put a layer of oil paint
> over another layer, if the first layer hasn't dried, it will suck the oil
> out of the top layer and make it dull looking and lifeless. So each layer
> has to be left for days until you apply another layer.
> Before I learnt to use a word processor, I used a manual typewriter. With
> the typewriter, I would write in drafts which I would then "cellar" for a
> few days and then rewrite. I never do that now, and the effect seems to me
> very like Chinese painting: I have to throw away a lot of stuff to get what
> I want. (And even then...)
> It seems to me this has something to do with the difference between inner
> speech and private speech in adults. Inner speech (in me, before I have had
> my morning coffee at any rate) is a stream of sketches, a bunch of
> mis-strokes which are immediately effaced or over-written. But private
> speech is not like that: it is, in many ways, more developed than public
> speech because it includes public speech as its premise.
> David Kellogg
> Sangmyung University
> New Article:
> Han Hee Jeung & David Kellogg (2019): A story without SELF: Vygotsky’s
> pedology, Bruner’s constructivism and Halliday’s construalism in
> understanding narratives by
> Korean children, Language and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2019.1582663
> To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2019.1582663
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__doi.org_10.1080_09500782.2019.1582663&d=DwMFaQ&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=mXj3yhpYNklTxyN3KioIJ0ECmPHilpf4N2p9PBMATWs&m=fRQGVuf97kHKFpcSeCRuiBG2X-I5OXHkM41BQeouiKc&s=_XQkuYozkuQe_OjdqHpzu84BI8USOfg_p_sNDF_7ItE&e=>
> Some e-prints available at:
> https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/KHRxrQ4n45t9N2ZHZhQK/full?target=10.1080/09500782.2019.1582663
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.tandfonline.com_eprint_KHRxrQ4n45t9N2ZHZhQK_full-3Ftarget-3D10.1080_09500782.2019.1582663&d=DwMFaQ&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=mXj3yhpYNklTxyN3KioIJ0ECmPHilpf4N2p9PBMATWs&m=fRQGVuf97kHKFpcSeCRuiBG2X-I5OXHkM41BQeouiKc&s=y6u_USgTXN_F_Lna7H3UWf4XPt7qrKWlQm5N4EzIpDc&e=>
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 7:31 AM Peter Feigenbaum [Staff] <
> pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu> wrote:
>> Henry,
>> In a paper I co-authored on private speech produced in the context of a
>> referential communication task (see attached), we found evidence of a child
>> that interrupted his own social speech to another child when he needed to
>> stop and think about the meaning of a particular word he wanted to use -
>> and that that interruption took the form of a private speech communication
>> aimed at solving the problem. Once the child solved the word-meaning
>> problem, he returned to the social speech utterance he had interrupted and
>> completed it. To the extent that private speech is identical to inner
>> speech in function (but not form), this piece of evidence suggests that
>> inner speech can indeed interrupt social speech when thinking is required.
>> Such an interruption would appear externally as a 'thinking' pause in
>> social speech.
>> I have frequently observed similar breaks and shifts in private speech
>> conversation, suggesting that the flow of thought and speech is being
>> interrupted and re-directed. And if private speech is inner speech
>> (differing only in the fact that it is vocalized and not sub-vocalized),
>> then there is every reason to believe that inner speech conversation also
>> breaks and shifts topic.
>> I don't know if that qualifies as *repair*, but the possibility is
>> certainly consistent with the notion that conversation - whether social,
>> private, or inner - can entail repairs.
>> Peter
>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 4:14 PM HENRY SHONERD <hshonerd@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> For my doctoral dissertation on the developmemt of fluency in a second
>>> language, finished more than three decades ago, I found a lot data on
>>> self-repair. I was surprised today by something I never really thought of
>>> before: Is there self-repair in inner speech? (whether it be in a first or
>>> second). I found this on the internet:
>>> "Levelt (1983) found that errors were often interrupted very quickly,
>>> even at mid-segment. The implication of such quick interruptions was that
>>> the speaker could not have detected the error while attending to his overt
>>> speech. Thus, Levelt (1983, 1989) proposed that speakers monitor their
>>> inner speech. According to what is known as the ‘main interruption rule’,
>>> when an error is detected, whether internally or auditorily, speech is
>>> immediately interrupted (Nooteboom, 1980; Levelt, 1983). This means that
>>> short error-to-cut-off intervals are to be expected.
>>> "Thus in an incremental model of speech production such as Levelt’s,
>>> error-detection is followed by the decision to interrupt speech. This in
>>> turn is followed by the planning of the repair (repair- planning), which is
>>> thought to take place only upon interruption. If this is true, then short
>>> cut-off-to- repair intervals should not be anticipated. This is contrary to
>>> the short cut-off-to-repair intervals found by Blackmer and Mitton (1991),
>>> suggesting that repair-planning must have occurred before speech was
>>> interrupted. The question then remains as to when repair-planning is
>>> initiated.” (Detecting and Correcting Speech Repairs”, Peter Heeman and
>>> James Allen, 1994.)
>>> My question for anybody out there is this: Is there research on repair
>>> in inner speech in the CHAT universe?
>>> Henry
>> --
>> Peter Feigenbaum, Ph.D.
>> Director,
>> Office of Institutional Research
>> <https://www.fordham.edu/info/24303/institutional_research>
>> Fordham University
>> Thebaud Hall-202
>> Bronx, NY 10458
>> Phone: (718) 817-2243
>> Fax: (718) 817-3817
>> email: pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu

Peter Feigenbaum, Ph.D.
Office of Institutional Research
Fordham University
Thebaud Hall-202
Bronx, NY 10458

Phone: (718) 817-2243
Fax: (718) 817-3817
email: pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
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