[Xmca-l] APA Division 5 Awards

Dr. Elizabeth Fein feine@duq.edu
Tue Oct 23 10:59:37 PDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,
APA Division 5 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) is seeking nominations for 8 awards in the area of research methods, including 4 awards in qualitative inquiry. Please consider nominating a colleague, student or mentor for one of these Division 5 awards, and please circulate this announcement widely - these awards are an opportunity for APA to honor methodologically thoughtful and innovative work in psychology.

Qualitative Awards:

  *   Distinguished Contributions in Qualitative Inquiry Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/inquiry.aspx>
  *   Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring in Qualitative Inquiry Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/teaching-mentoring-qualitative.aspx>
  *   Distinguished Early Career Contributions in Qualitative Inquiry Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/early-career-qualitative.aspx>
  *   Distinguished Dissertation in Qualitative Inquiry Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/dissertation-qualitative.aspx>

Quantitative Awards:

  *   Samuel J. Messick Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/messick.aspx>
  *   Jacob Cohen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/cohen.aspx>
  *   Anne Anastasi Dissertation Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/anastasi-dissertation.aspx>
  *   Anne Anastasi Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/anastasi-early-career.aspx>

All award recipients will be given an awards plaque and an honorary one-year membership in Div. 5. Recipients attending the 2019 APA Annual Convention will be honored at the Div. 5 awards symposium, where each will have the opportunity to make a brief presentation.

Neither the nominator nor the nominee need be a current or former member of either APA or Div. 5. Both self-nominations and nominations by others will be considered.

Detailed nomination instructions for each award can be found on the Div. 5 awards<https://www.apadivisions.org/division-5/awards/index.aspx> page on the website. Please send all requested nomination materials by email to Nathan Kuncel<mailto:bandaldl@jmu.edu>, chair of the 2019 Awards Committee, by Dec. 1, 2018. A confirmation email will be sent when an award package is complete. The outcome of the review process will be announced by March 15, 2019. Should you have any questions concerning the awards, the nomination process and/or the review process, please contact Nathan.



Elizabeth Fein, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

Duquesne University
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