[Xmca-l] Fwd: [commfac] [commdept] Fwd: Data & Society Openings: Researchers, Postdocs, Faculty Fellows

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Fri Nov 9 10:14:45 PST 2018


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: danah boyd <danah@danah.org>
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 7:06 PM
Subject: Data & Society Openings: Researchers, Postdocs, Faculty Fellows
To: <MSRNE-SMC@lists.research.microsoft.com>

::bounce:: I'm giddy to share that Data & Society has a cluster of new
openings that may be attractive to a range of junior and senior scholars.
Can you please please please share these as widely as possible? Even
better: let me know of someone that I should actively encourage to apply
because you se them as perfect for one of these opportunities. We want to
make sure this call reaches scholars who may not already be a part of our

*Postdoctoral Scholars: *
Data & Society is recruiting one to three Postdoctoral Scholars whose work
complements research projects currently underway at the Institute and
advances our mission. Postdoctoral Scholars will be expected to work with
senior research leadership to construct a viable research project that will
both advance scholarly knowledge and contribute to the broader goals of
Data & Society. These are 2-year positions based in NYC starting in
September 2019. Applications are due December 6, 2018.

*Researchers (Social Instabilities in Labor Futures): *

Data & Society is hiring for two research positions in Data & Society’s
Social Instabilities in Labor Futures Initiative. Candidates would design
and conduct research into one of two topics: "Public Sector Labor and
Technology Disruption" or "Franchise Entrepreneurship and
Financialization." Ideally, one of these positions will go to someone who
can take on the role of "Research Lead" for the initiative. The other
position would be a researcher position.  These are two-year positions with
the possibility of renewal. Applications due December 17, 2018.

*Faculty Fellows: *
Data & Society is seeking two to three Faculty Fellows for our 2019-20
Class of Fellows. Faculty fellows work on independent or collaborative
research projects that contribute to the mission of the organization. These
are 10-month paid fellowships and fellows are expected to be in residence
two days a week. Applications are due December 17, 2018.

I've also attached PDF versions of the calls in case that's easier. The
full call provides much greater detail into each of these opportunities.

Thank you sooooo much for helping us spread the word!



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us people are just poems / we're 90% metaphor /
with a leanness of meaning / approaching hyper-distillation
- Ani Difranco, "Self Evident"


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