[Xmca-l] fact and fake

Andy Blunden ablunden@mira.net
Mon Feb 20 17:43:18 PST 2017

The Washington Post has a series of interviews with people 
attending Trump's rally where they were the first to learn 
of the Swedish terrorist attack in Trump's imagination, 
planted there by FOX News. The faith of these Trump 
loyalists seems unshakeable, though the resignation of Flynn 
was causing a little difficulty, but I wouldn't put it more 
strongly. It was still the fault of the "mainstream media".

Is there no point beyond which Trump can step where fact and 
fake can be distinguished from trust and favour? In the 
discussion we had around his Inauguration Day speech I 
suggested it would be people getting ill and discovering 
that they had lost the coverage they had under ObamaCare.

I would be interested in hearing early anecdotes of people 
who are Trumpistas up till now but who change their mind and 
what it is which does the trick. It seems almost like we 
have to discover a hole in political space-time to escape 
this black hole!


Andy Blunden

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