[Xmca-l] XMCA-ers: Help needed finding LSV references to *First* and *Second* Signal Systems

Peter Feigenbaum [Staff] pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
Fri Oct 28 10:43:10 PDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

I don't wish to detract in any way from the very serious and absolutely
necessary discussion about male sensitivity (or should I say insensitivity)
to the voices of the women inhabiting this list, but I sure could use your
collective help with a small matter of scholarship. I am trying to locate
any passages in LSV's Collected Works in English in which he refers to the
*first* and *second* signal systems.

My understanding is that Vygotsky considers the first signal system as the
biologically inherited stimulus-response (S-R) system of reflexes as
described by Pavlov, whereas the second signal system refers to the
culturally inherited system of initiation-response that is particular to
human conversational activity. I am working with the hypothesis that, in
ontogenetic development, the first signal system becomes *domesticated* by,
and ultimately subordinated to, the second signal system. That is, the S-R
form of thinking becomes developmentally transformed into the
Initiation-Response form of thinking that is characteristic of a person
performing a listening-speaking turn in conversation.

If any of the wonderful scholars on this list could help point this poor,
stumbling colleague
in the right direction, I would be most grateful.

Warm wishes to all,

p.s. -- Let me take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Mike
for creating this list in the first place, and with it the opportunity for
Vygotskian scholars the world over to share and discuss our ideas in an
open and honest forum. For my part, I pledge to do my level best to raise
my own consciousness where it is deficient so that my participation in this
forum will be as inclusive and respectful to all of its participants as is
humanly possible.

Peter Feigenbaum, Ph.D.
Office of Institutional Research
Fordham University
Thebaud Hall-202
Bronx, NY 10458

Phone: (718) 817-2243
Fax: (718) 817-3817
email: pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu

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