[Xmca-l] Re: paper on models of addiction

Annalisa Aguilar annalisa@unm.edu
Sat Oct 10 12:46:50 PDT 2015

Hi Greg,

Exactly! The subject-object stance ties into the observation made by Raikhel in this paper and how the model of addiction as a brain disease affects how we actually treat victims of addiction, which of course are not only the addicts, but the society overall.

According to Raikhel, this model also affects how projects are designed and funded. Does any of this sound familiar??

Then, how do we think about the person? as a "broken machine" who calculates incorrectly? or as a damaged product resulting from "bad" socialization?

My interest is in exploring how there is an identifiable model of mind there. And then, how we act upon that model as if it were a real thing. Which may tie into ontological discussions, I don't know…

An important point as well is also how models become reified in the mainstream layperson's understanding, which seems to be immediately commodified and reproducible. So that has to do with experts and novices and how they speak about the model.

Kind regards,


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