[Xmca-l] Re: In defense of Vygotsky [[The fallacy of word-meaning]

Andy Blunden ablunden@mira.net
Thu Oct 23 14:18:52 PDT 2014

It seems to be a point always worth making, Julian, that every child is 
subject to different expectations according, not just to their actual 
level of development in fact, but also simply because of their age and 
their sibling order. As Martin pointed out, in the Environment paper, at 
least in the translation we have, "situation" is used synonymously with 
"environment" which hardly helps LSV to make his point. But he is, in my 
view, quite clear in "The Problem of Age," every child is in a unique 
situation (stated and repeated numerously) because that situation is 
constituted by the adults in terms of the expectations they place on the 
child and how the child responds to those expectations or not. Doubtless 
this is something we always need to be reminded of though.

I really couldn't say if this is found in ANL or not,

*Andy Blunden*

mike cole wrote:
> Your point about the situation changing as a result of child's response to
> it (presumably conditioned by its interpretation and accompanying
> perezhivanie) seems well taken, Julian.
> mike

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