[Xmca-l] Fwd: NCBS 2014 Conference - Acceptance of Submission

Dr. Paul C. Mocombe pmocombe@mocombeian.com
Mon Jan 20 08:29:29 PST 2014

Panel discussion...

Dr. Paul C. Mocombe
The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc.

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: DO_NOT_REPLY@allacademic.com </div><div>Date:01/20/2014  9:46 AM  (GMT-05:00) </div><div>To: pmocombe@mocombeian.com </div><div>Cc: cecile.wright@nottingham.ac.uk,info@caroltomlin.com </div><div>Subject: NCBS 2014 Conference - Acceptance of Submission </div><div>
</div>Dear Paul Mocombe,

Thank you for your abstract submission to the National Council for Black Studies 38th Annual Conference.  On behalf of our Conference Program Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that your proposal titled, "Race and Class Distinctions Within Black Communities: A Racial Caste in Class" has been accepted for presentation at the 2014 conference.

All presenters must make their pre-registration payment for the conference by January 31st, to ensure that your name will appear in the conference program (1. check numbers must be provided if paying by check; 2. American Express users: please include an additional $5.00 for fees).  Please note that NCBS membership is strongly encouraged for all conference presenters. If you have already paid for membership and/or conference registration, please disregard this portion of the letter. We will notify you as to when the date and time of your presentation will be posted on our website.

Please register online by going to http://www.ncbsonline.org/conference_registration_for_members by February 6, 2014 in order to take advantage of the discounted early bird registration rates.  Additionally, we urge you to make your hotel reservations with the Miami Marriott Dadeland Hotel before 5:00 pm February 6, 2014 to ensure the room/board rate ($159.00/day) and availability.  To make your reservations with the Miami Marriott Dadeland Hotel, please utilize the following link:

Please make sure to enter the all the data for EACH presenter (full name [no all caps, no all lower caps], full address, phone number with e-mail address).  We look forward to your presentation at the 38th Annual National Conference of the National Council for Black Studies, March 05-08, 2014 in Miami, Florida.

Our apologies if you have already received this notification.  Please share with your colleagues that submissions will be accepted until January 31st.

Georgene Bess-Montgomery, Vice President, Conference Committee Chair– NCBS
2014 NCBS Conference Committee


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