[Xmca-l] Re: Video Publishing??

Andy Blunden ablunden@mira.net
Wed Feb 19 19:41:38 PST 2014

What I would do it to upload the videos to a public video streaming site 
like vimeo.com and then include the URL in the text of the article. In 
actual fact, wherever you place the video, it will be the same. But to 
stream video places certain requirements on the server, and there would 
otherwise be no reason for an on-line journal to be equipped for video 

*Andy Blunden*

Jay Lemke wrote:
> Mike and I would like some recommendations regarding online publishing
> where video clips can be included along with text and images.
> Do you know of (1) online journals that support this, and (2) academic
> publishers for book-length works that do so?
> The topic/content would be ethnography of learning/development, play, and
> emotion (based generally on the work of a 5th Dimension -style project with
> kids and undergrads playing computer games).
> All suggestions welcome!
> JAY.
> PS. If you know of colleagues who may have some insight about video
> publishing, please feel free to pass on our query. :-)
> Jay Lemke
> LCHC/Department of Communication
> University of California - San Diego
> www.jaylemke.com

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