[Xmca-l] Re: About 「hope 」 in socio-cultural research

Jan Aukes jana@xs4all.nl
Mon Aug 25 08:21:56 PDT 2014

That should be Ernst Bloch, I suppose. 

> Op 25 aug. 2014 om 06:29 heeft mike cole <lchcmike@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
> To add to the suggestions-- I recommend that you find a copy of "The
> Principle of Hope" by Maurice Bloch. Parts of it are at marxists.org but
> a reading of the whole would be worth everyone's while.
> mike
> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 7:55 PM, Zavala, Miguel <
> mizavala@exchange.fullerton.edu> wrote:
>> Jing Jing,
>> I recommend looking at the work of Paulo Freire.  There are
>> cultural-historical strands in his work, in particular the grounding in
>> Historical Materialism.
>> You also might want to look at how hope is mediated and how it mediates
>> other processes.  One thing I've been looking at is how hope is generated
>> in and through the very experience of marginalization / oppression. The
>> experience of marginalization / oppression, when we 'take a distance' from
>> it (I.e. Reflect critically) becomes a resource for transforming that very
>> marginalization / oppression.
>> I think hope is also found in the quiet corners of mediation, always
>> present, the distance between 'subject' and 'object' opening horizons of
>> possibility for learning and development.  Without getting to obscure
>> here, hope is mediation.
>> Miguel
>>> On 8/24/14 2:55 PM, "Ed Wall" <ewall@umich.edu> wrote:
>>> JingJing
>>>    Paul Ricoeur's work can be mined for a take on hope. His notion
>>> involves expectation and anticipation. For instance,  "hope is the
>>> dynamism of desire projecting its own realization";  and "hope is a
>>> deep-seated human trait, constitutive of human nature itself." I (and I
>>> am sure he doesn't either) think of this as cognitive, but I don't think
>>> he necessarily thinks of this as entirely socio-cultural either. Anyway,
>>> Huskey has written a book pulling his thoughts on this topic together:
>>> 'Paul Riceour on Hope.'
>>> Ed Wall
>>>> On Aug 24, 2014, at  4:09 PM, Greg Thompson wrote:
>>>> JingJing,
>>>> You should check out Lois Holzman's work (Vygotsky at Work and Play
>>>> would
>>>> be a very good place for you to start). She is working with a
>>>> population in
>>>> New York City that is roughly equivalent to the population that you are
>>>> researching.
>>>> I suspect that she might shy away from the word "hope" for fear that
>>>> hope
>>>> itself can be an empty thing (as in a palliative "false hope"). I think
>>>> she
>>>> would probably prefer to speak of something like "possibilities of
>>>> becoming".  But I'd rather hear from her on this matter since I'm just
>>>> making this up in the hope that she bring some of her wisdom to this
>>>> thread.
>>>> -greg
>>>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 8:57 AM, 陳 晶晶 <chenjingjing007@hotmail.co.jp>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear XMAL community:
>>>>> My name is Jingjing Chen, a graduate student of doctoral program  in
>>>>> department of Psychology.I am sending this email to search for some
>>>>> help.
>>>>> I am interested in the development of hope among high school students
>>>>> (especially whom is studying in a vocational high school , where most
>>>>> students are from poor disadvantaged family in Japan.)Previous research
>>>>> are more like viewing  hope as a cognitive and individual ingredient,
>>>>> while I am trying to describe it using socio-cultural approach.
>>>>> I am still looking for  more information about hope research, so any
>>>>> published work about hope or any relational research will be very
>>>>> helpful
>>>>> for me.It will also be a great honor and pleasure if anyone can give me
>>>>> suggestion about my project.
>>>>> Thank you for your attention.All the best wishes.
>>>>> sincerelyJingJing
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> JingJing Chen
>>>>> Doctoral Program in Psychology,
>>>>> Graduate School of Comprehensive Human
>>>>> Sciences,
>>>>> University of Tsukuba
>>>>> E-mail:s1330355@u.tsukuba.ac.jp
>>>>> E-mail:chenjingjing007@hotmail.co.jp
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>> Gregory A. Thompson, Ph.D.
>>>> Assistant Professor
>>>> Department of Anthropology
>>>> 882 Spencer W. Kimball Tower
>>>> Brigham Young University
>>>> Provo, UT 84602
>>>> http://byu.academia.edu/GregoryThompson

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