UC Links at UC Irvine

Undergraduate Course, Education 78

Course:  Education 78: Poetry in K-12

Department: Education

Program: Poetry Academy/Writing Lab

Instructor(s):  Sue Cronmiller

Participants (based on 2005-06 data):

  • Approximately 40 undergraduates per academic year

Course Description:

  • Prepares undergraduates to analyze field work experiences aroundstandards-based language arts content using a multicultural range of poetic texts, pedagogical frameworks, based on a theoretical framework
  • Prepares undergraduates to comment on children’s written work and to use the Internet to support children’s revisions of their writing
  • Fulfills the 20 hour fieldwork requirement for the minor in education, and counts as an elective toward the English major


  • Undergraduates mentoring and interacting with children at the site
  • Observation of children’s experiences in the program and preparation of field notes
  • Undergraduates work with elementary school children face-to-face and online to consult and comment on children’s writing.

Evaluation Strategies:

  • Pre- and post-tests of undergraduate knowledge of course content
  • Examination of undergraduate field notes to measure understanding of theory and practice related to course content
  • Survey of undergraduate interest in pursuing graduate or professional school studies

Sample Course Syllabus