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[Xmca-l] Re: Fwd: Butterflies of Zagorski

Who owns the VHS tape is not material to your right to digitise it and publish it on vimeo.com. I understand that Butterflies of Zagorsk was produced by Michael Dean for the BBC in 1990. So it will be Michael Dean and/or the BBC who owns the rights. Although BBC is a public organisation, I understand that it is a statutory authority rather than an arm of government so it does exercise ownership over its products. So *technically* you do not have the right to publish it on vimeo.com. But in reality, if Dean or the BBC were to object, then it you could take it down and that would be the end of the matter. It is only *persisting* in publishing copyrighted material contrary to legal requests to desist which opens you to legal threat, not the publishing as such, as I understand it.

*Andy Blunden*

mike cole wrote:
I have a copy of this video in vhs format which can be digitized. But it
belongs to someone. Do I have to right to post it on vimeo?

Status: O