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Re: [xmca] unit of analysis

Eric, here is what Vasily Davydov says in his book on "Generalisation":

   The uniqueness of this sort of initial abstraction appears in the
   names for it: “concrete abstraction”, “the concrete-universal
   relationship is the objective cell of the whole that is under
   investigation”, “content-oriented abstraction”, or simply “cell”.
   These names express in different ways the essence of an initial
   abstraction as a simple relationship of concreteness. It
   incorporates the potential of the whole, and at the same time it is
   again reproduced by this whole as its general basis. In our opinion,
   while all of these names are legitimate, it is advisable to use the
   term /content-oriented, real abstraction/. In contrast to formal
   abstraction, it is historical (it is a genetic basis), and its
   content exists /concretely/, in the form of a relationship that can
   be contemplated rather than merely in the mind.

ERIC.RAMBERG@spps.org wrote:
Been considering this in depth recently and have an idea as "germ cell" as an ideal of a conceptualiztion tool. For instance in Yro's moon phase paper the unit of analysis is in understanding knowledge acquisition as what the triangle of actiivy expands upon. Brazil's recent social upheavel would expand upon human subsistance and basic needs. The framework is in place for studying each of these activity systems (perhaps systems isn't best word and another would provide better clarity) with Yro's expanded triangle but because of the diversity of human existence the "germ cell" proposition provides a good platform for how to specify the utilization of the expanded triangle.
Thinking out loud
what do others think?

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*Andy Blunden*
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Book: http://www.brill.nl/concepts

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