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[xmca] AERA Reminders!

Hello Folks!

A reminder to encourage all of you to attend our CHR-SIG Business Meeting 

on Tuesday, April 30

7:15pm - 8:45pm CH-R SIG Westin St. Francis, Second Level - Elizabethan B 


AND, as well as numerous CHAT related presentations and symposia, a professional development course is being offered. We still have several spots open if you would like to join the course. 


Cultural Historical Activity Theory in the 21st Century: Intersections of Theory, Research, Policy, and Praxis (professional development course session)

Time: Tuesday, April 30-8:00-12:00 p.m.

Place: Grand Hyatt, Ballroom Level - Sequoia

Sponsor: Professional Development and Training Committee

Session Participants: Instructors: Carrie L. Lobman (Rutgers University); Emily Duvall (University of Idaho); Natalia Gajdamaschko (Simon Fraser University); Tatiana Akhutina (Laboratory of Neuropsychology Lomonosov Moscow State University); Michael Cole (University of California - San Diego); Elena Bodrova (McREL); Lois Holzman (East Side Institute); Jaime E. Martinez (New York Institute of Technology); Kris D. Gutiérrez (University of Colorado - Boulder); Gordon Wells (University of California - Santa Cruz); Ana Marjanovic-Shane (Chestnut Hill College)

Abstract: The course is designed to support graduate students' and early and mid career scholars' research through the systematic acquisition and interpretation of a significant body of knowledge accumulated by more advanced CHAT scholars in recent years. This course emphasizes the application of CHAT theory to the study and development of educational practices across a range of ages and settings, with an emphasis on practices that place cultural tools and learning activity at the center of attempts to understand "the relationship of education and poverty." Participants will develop their understanding of a variety of CHAT methodologies including mediated action, development of higher psychological functions, and play and learning activity in the tradition of Vygotsky and those that have further developed his work. The mini-course will provide direct and intensive instruction from experts in the field and establish a network of continuing support for their research. Participants will be partnered with instructors based on the compatibility of their research projects and the expertise of the instructor.


	Emily Duvall, PhD

Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
University of Idaho, Coeur d'Alene
1031 North Academic Way, Suite 242 | Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 
T 208 292 2512 | F 208 667 5275  emily@uidaho.edu <mailto:emily@uidaho.edu>     | www.cda.uidaho.edu <http://www.cda.uidaho.edu/>  


He only earns his freedom and his life, who takes them every day by storm. 
-- Johann Wolfgang Goethe 


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