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Re: [xmca] Project

Martin, you found that 10,000 word article from which you noted that Heidegger "did not neglect either history or the social world", but not apparently note the exhaustive definition of the concept of project.
After a comprehensive review of the history and context of idea of "project", a concrete definition is given on pp. 15ff.
Martin Packer wrote:

Thanks,  but I am looking for the way that Andy has defined "project" as the fundamental unit of analysis of human activity.


On Apr 2, 2013, at 11:33 AM, "Glassman, Michael" <glassman.13@osu.edu> wrote:

Hi Martin,

How about this,

To project (the verb),

The ability to extend human activity into a larger human arena where it can be joined or experienced by more minds.

When I speak louder I project my voice so more can hear and consider what I say.

When I write on the Internet I project the workings of my mind so more can consider what I am thinking.

When I use a can I project out my own senses so I can have a better understanding of the world around me, gaining new perspectives of nature.

Project (the noun)

To engage in an aim directed activity that has some intrinsic good (circa Dewey 1916)  that involves multiple minds/perspectives of nature.  The project is realized when the aim is achieved, but then it is possible to "project" you achieved aim outwards.

From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] on behalf of Martin Packer [packer@duq.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:22 PM
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: Re: [xmca] Polls are closed: Manfred Holodynsk's article is choice

No one can provide me with the definition of "project"?

Brecht, let me return to the material you copied from your doctoral thesis. Let's take the opening sentences:

On Apr 1, 2013, at 2:47 AM, Brecht De Smet <Brechttie.DeSmet@UGent.be> wrote:

"The historical process of capital accumulation and proletarianization
on a world scale has created forms of wage labor and exploitation that
constructed the modern working class as a passive Object of history.
Persons who can freely dispose of their labor power, but who do not
possess their own (sufficient) means of production are forced into the
activity-system of modern wage labor.[1][1] Their activity of wage labor
is born out of necessity, and oriented towards the goal of reproducing
their natural and social life.
What we find here is your explication of a "historical process" that has constructed (I'd say 'constituted,' but let that pass), a class of persons. Not simply a crowd (I recall your previous critique!), but a class, which I presume you would agree is not simply an aggregate of individuals. As a result, you suggest, the actions of individuals who find themselves to be members of that class (I presume they didn't choose to be working class?) are constrained - people are "forced" to sell their capabilities in order to obtain a wage in order to eat in order to live. Their goal - "reproducing their natural and social life" - is not intrinsic to their activity - "wage labor" - because, as you say, the goal exists prior to the activity, and to a great degree the activity undercuts the goal - for many it's hard to eat and live under the conditions of exploited labor.

All of this is, IMHO, a great analysis! You take into account the social world in which people act, and how it constrains their activity, you take into account the history of this world, you take into account the necessity of reproduction. I just don't see that any of this is built on "project" as a unit of analysis!

But probably I'm confused...


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