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[xmca] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Developmental Psychology position at UC Merced


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rose Scott <rscott@ucmerced.edu>
Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 3:00 PM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Developmental Psychology position at UC Merced
To: cogdevsoc@virginia.edu

*Open rank position in Developmental Psychology at University of California

* *

The University of California, Merced is a dynamic new university campus in
Merced, California, which opened in September 2005 as the tenth campus of
the University of California and the first American research university in
the 21st century. In keeping with the mission of the University to provide
teaching, research and public service of the highest quality, UC Merced
offers research-centered and student-oriented educational opportunities at
the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels through three academic
schools: Engineering, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences/Humanities/Arts.

The School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts invites applications for
one position at either the Assistant (tenure-track) or Associate/Full
(tenured) level in Developmental Psychology. Research focus within this
area is open. This is a unique opportunity to join a growing faculty in
Psychology at a new University of California campus, and to contribute to
long-term program building. Psychology is housed within a new building and
faculty members enjoy a highly collaborative research environment. We are
currently focusing on building excellence in Health Psychology,
Quantitative Psychology, and Developmental Psychology.

We seek outstanding scholars who will establish and fund creative research
programs; contribute to the building of a specialization in Developmental
Psychology; participate in the development of innovative interdisciplinary
research programs; and teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate
levels. The successful candidate will have a doctorate in Developmental
Psychology or a related field; a strong publication record; interests in
program building; a commitment to excellence in teaching; and at the
Associate/Full levels, a strong record of leadership and a successful
research program.

Each candidate will be judged, commensurate with his/her current career
stage, by (in no particular order): 1) quality and frequency of publication
in peer-reviewed journals; 2) quality and frequency of synthetic,
integrative, or interdisciplinary publications; 3) quality and frequency of
scientific honors and awards; 4) content of research statement; 5)
frequency of presentations at scientific meetings; 6) success and potential
for success in acquiring competitive extramural and intramural research
funds; 7) membership, service and participation in relevant professional
societies and activities; 8) breadth and quality of relevant training; 9)
evidence for successful collaboration and participation in
interdisciplinary efforts; 10) evidence of research excellence and research
potential as indicated by references; 11) evidence of teaching excellence
and teaching potential; 12) administrative and program-building experience
and potential; and 13) evidence for contribution and commitment to
education and outreach for students of diverse backgrounds, particularly
disadvantaged or underrepresented students.

Interested applicants are required to submit the following materials by
December 3, 2012: 1) a cover letter 2) curriculum vitae 3) statement of
research 4) statement of teaching 5) a list of three references with
contact information including mailing address, phone number and e-mail
address 6) up to five reprints and 7) (Assistant Professor level only)
three letters of recommendation sent by the letter writers to
ssha.ref.psych12-13@ucmerced.edu. Applications must be submitted online at:

For more information, see http://psychology.ucmerced.edu and/or contact
Professor Jeff Gilger, Search Committee Chair (jgilger@ucmerced.edu).

The University of California at Merced is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the
achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The
University is supportive of dual career couples.

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