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Re: [xmca] Idea for roundtable discussion at AERA

Last year a group of us submitted just such a session, without the 
link to this year's theme, and we were only docked by one point, but 
the C-H Sig was so booked that we couldn't get in.
Anna Stetsenko, Lisa Yamagata-Lynch, Kevin O'Connor, Bill Penuel, and 
I with Eduardo Vianna as discussant.
We are planning to re-submit this year. Our proposal is drafted, but 
let me know if you would like to see if there is a way to hook up or 
join in somehow.
Best to all - jen

Hi Monica - I do have an interest in drawing insights from the different research traditions in educational enquiries of the kind, 'How do I improve what I am doing?' .
You might find interesting:

Justifying the use of a living theory methodology in the creation of your living educational theory. Responding to Cresswell.
Jack Whitehead, Department of Education, University of Bath: Notes 
for doctoral and masters students 14 June 2009


I'd be very interested in showing how insights from cultural historical research can be integrated within educational research that addresses the theme of the 2013 AERA conference on poverty. I'm just getting proposals together to meet the deadline for proposals of the 23rd July.
In relation to your questions, especially about praxis, you might be 
interested in Marie Huxtable's Ph.D Thesis -
Marie Huxtable's Ph.D. (2012) Thesis, How do I Evolve 
Living-Educational-Theory Praxis in Living-boundaries?. Graduation 
5th July 2012, University of Bath.
accessible from:


Love Jack.

On 17 Jul 2012, at 21:50, monica.hansen wrote:

 This is just an idea:

Does anyone have any interest in comparing forms of different research traditions(ethnography, narrative, case study, phenomenology, etc) and how they are translated or transformed in cultural historical research? Does anyone have work that speaks to the effort of researchers to work in praxis, agents of change in the constraints of the academic institutions and as people living real lives? How the efforts of researchers crafting their research might be related to exploring the theme of the conference, which is poverty?
 I would really be interested in coming to this session.
 xmca mailing list

When Martin Dobson, a colleague, died in 2002 the last thing he said to me
was 'Give my Love to the Department'. In the 20 years I'd worked with
Martin it was his loving warmth of humanity that I recall with great life
affirming pleasure and I'm hoping that in Love Jack we can share this
value of common humanity.

Jack Whitehead , Professor, Liverpool Hope University, UK. Visiting Fellow, University of Bath, UK.
Life-time member of OMNIBUS (All Bath University Staff).

web-site http://www.actionresearch.net with email address.

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Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Education
2125 Main Mall
Library Block 272B
Vancouver BC V6T-1Z4

phone: 1.604.822.9099
fax: 1.604.822.3302

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