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Re: [xmca] anyone need a room in Vancouver 4/16?
Hey! I suggested blogging. Not classified ads! :)
On Apr 15, 2012, at 2:24 PM, Jenna McWilliams wrote:
> Hello, xmca'ers,
> I have a room reservation at the Blue Horizon hotel in Vancouver that extends through Tuesday morning, and I'm leaving on Monday--so the room is available (and not cancellable) the night of 4/16. If you know or someone you know needs a room, it's available, cheap ($150-ish) and 6 blocks from the convention center. You can email me directly at jenmcwil@indiana.edu.
> Best,
> Jenna
> ~~
> Jenna McWilliams
> Learning Sciences Program, Indiana University
> ~
> http://www.jennamcwilliams.com
> http://twitter.com/jennamcjenna
> ~
> jenmcwil@indiana.edu
> jennamcjenna@gmail.com
> On Apr 15, 2012, at 3:06 AM, Emily Duvall wrote:
>> This morning Monica and I attended a session for SIG officers. It included
>> an important discussion on the new way roundtables are being done. As you
>> probably know, being a small SIG we have few "session" slots available to
>> us. There are more opportunities for roundtables and these are now done with
>> a chair and multiple papers... much like a symposium, but without all the
>> podiums and powerpoints. It seems - at least to me - that a roundtable is
>> most appropriate for works in progress and/ or work where in depth
>> presentation and discussion is preferred. The symposia offer much less time
>> for participants and seem to be more about disseminating rather than
>> discussing. Consider the idea of a roundtable when proposing for next year.
>> Of course posters are also an option.
>> It might be interesting to include some topics for next year, as well. A
>> call, so to speak.
>> ~emily
>> Emily Duvall, PhD
>> Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction
>> Assistant Professor, Neuroscience
>> Director, Northwest Inland Writing Project
>> University of Idaho
>> 1031 North Academic Way
>> Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On
>> Behalf Of Peter Smagorinsky
>> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 7:39 PM
>> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
>> Subject: RE: [xmca] What gets noticed at AERA
>> Hi, I'm at AERA but neither blogging nor tweeting nor recording.
>> But, I'm incoming chair of the C-H SIG so let's start thinking of what we
>> can do next year at the San Francisco conference to make the SIG programs
>> more accessible to those who can't attend. All suggestions welcome; and more
>> importantly, all volunteers welcome.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On
>> Behalf Of Martin Packer
>> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:31 PM
>> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
>> Subject: Re: [xmca] What gets noticed at AERA
>> Can't we get some live blogging of AERA, as it unfolds?
>> Martin
>> On Apr 14, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Helena Worthen wrote:
>>> Hello --
>>> It sounds as if AERA is happening right now; if so, could someone keep an
>> ear open and see if anyone has noticed what's going on in Michigan -- some
>> language that's being attached to the higher ed appropriations bill that
>> attempts to prevent universities from placing students in any
>> non-profit/civic, religious, etc organization that engages in "protest,
>> demonstration or organization against a Michigan business." This was sent
>> to me by a colleague.
>>> I'm curious to see if this item came up in any discussions.
>>> Helena
>>>> Dear Colleague,
>>>> We write to seek your support in averting an imminent threat against the
>> academic freedom of Michigan's public universities.
>>>> When the Michigan legislature returns from recess next week, it will be
>> voting on appropriations for state colleges and universities. Recently, the
>> following language was added to the higher education appropriations bill:
>>>> Sec. 273a. It is the intent of the legislature that a public university
>> that receives funds in section 236 shall not collaborate in any manner with
>> a nonprofit worker center whose documented activities include coercion
>> through protest, demonstration, or organization against a Michigan business.
>>>> As described in a recent front-page story in the Lansing State Journal,
>> this disturbing language seems to have been the result of a field placement
>> by a University of Michigan social work student with the Restaurant
>> Opportunities Center of Michigan (ROC-Michigan). ROC is a non-profit
>> organization dedicated to improving working conditions and opportunities for
>> advancement in the restaurant industry. Among many other projects furthering
>> fair and effective economic development in Michigan, ROC has articulated
>> demands for fair treatment of workers in Michigan restaurants. It has been
>> suggested that the Michigan Restaurant Association suggested the language
>> above as a retaliatory move against ROC, its interns and their faculty
>> advisors.
>>>> This language is so broad that it could potentially prevent public
>> universities from forming partnerships or placing students with virtually
>> any civic, religious, or other non-profit organization that engages in
>> public outreach. It represents direct interference by the legislature in the
>> university curriculum, and thereby curtails the academic freedom of the
>> universities, their faculty members, and students. It is essential that the
>> fundamental academic freedom and citizen engagement that are at the heart of
>> our universities' mission not be held hostage to their budgetary needs.
>>>> We are collecting individual and organizational endorsements to include
>> on the letter which has been cut and pasted as well as attached to this
>> document, to Michigan legislators in the appropriations and conference
>> committees. The legislature is moving quickly, and it is critical that you
>> respond as soon as possible.
>>>> Please respond to the Intercollegiate Community Engagement Working Group
>> at intercollegiatecommunity@gmail.com to indicate your willingness to sign
>> on to this letter as an individual or as an organization, and please include
>> your title and organizational position for identification purposes only. If
>> you have any questions, please contact Ian Robinson
>> (e.ian.robinson@gmail.com) or Michelle Kaminski (michellekaminsk@gmail.com)
>> two members of the committee who are academic professionals.
>>> Helena Worthen
>>> helena.worthen@berkeley.edu
>>> 21 San Mateo Road
>>> Berkeley, CA 94707
>>> Visiting Scholar, UCB Center for Labor Research and Education
>>> 510-828-2745
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