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Re: [xmca] Special issue on Vygotsky's legacy: groundbreaking discoveries in PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal (& call for papers announced)!

P.S. Oh, yes, and, yet again, the link to the texts in English, Russian, Portuguese and French is here:


Call for papers for a follow-up special issue on Vygotsky and his legacy will be released soon!


 From: Anton Yasnitsky <the_yasya@yahoo.com>
To: "lchcmike@gmail.com" <lchcmike@gmail.com> 
Cc: Alexey Kuznetsov <alexey.math@gmail.com>; Ющенкова Дарья Викторовна <dashulya-psy@mail.ru>; "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>; Anton Yasnitsky <anton.yasnitsky@gmail.com>; Мещеряков Борис Гурьевич <borlogic@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:58:49 AM
Subject: Re: [xmca] Special issue on Vygotsky's legacy: groundbreaking discoveries in PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal!
Nope, Mike, on the contrary: NOBODY kept this historical record alive, on the contrary, the guys seemed to do their best in order to actually bury it :). What we have in exchange is fairly inadequate picture of what happened and have been going on among the "Vygotskians", and it takes a lot of contemporary historiographical and textological work to actually discover the history FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

So, as you can certainly see, this initiative has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with all these fancy and exotic things such as, as you put, " post-Soviet generation ", "spirit of glasnost" or " perestroika": all these studies and publications were done by an international team of scholars et al. from Italy,  Korea,  Canada, Israel and Brazil -- interestingly, without virtually any traces of the 'ruskies', or, for that matter, the seemingly ubiquitous 'yankees' :) . Which yet another time reminds us that international community can do pretty decent scholarly research on Vygotsky and his legacy pretty much without the mysterious (and, imho, non-existent) "the keepers of the tradition alive" back in Russia.


From: mike cole <lchcmike@gmail.com>
To: Anton Yasnitsky <the_yasya@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>; Alexey Kuznetsov <alexey.math@gmail.com>; Ющенкова Дарья Викторовна <dashulya-psy@mail.ru>; Anton Yasnitsky <anton.yasnitsky@gmail.com>; Мещеряков Борис Гурьевич <borlogic@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:56:09 PM
Subject: Re: [xmca] Special issue on Vygotsky's legacy: groudbreaking discoveries in PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal!

Anton- someone kept this historical record alive. Or two historical records, one of which appears to be distorted in various ways. 

To me, an important task of the current, post-Soviet, generation is to discuss what major ideas/theories emerge from a more comprehensive examination of
the new corpus; are major positions that have underpinned empirical research
put into question? Which one's? With what repercussions. Its great that the spirit
of glasnost exists. The new forms emerging from perestroika, however, might themselves be worth critical examination.


2012/3/21 Anton Yasnitsky <the_yasya@yahoo.com>

Indeed, thanks a lot to all those researchers, editors, translators, and other volunteers and enthusiasts who made this -- and will make several forthcoming  -- journal issues possible!!
>As to Vygotsky's archives, well, it is a little bit different. For instance, as one paper argues, on the contrary, archival materials of one of arguably Vygotsky's works were NOT preserved, and the Russian text of the work was blatantly retranslated (or just translated) into Russian from English (this was a much later copy that actually WAS preserved, or, for that matter, was NOT preserved either, but was "reconstructed" some time in the 1950s or 1960s). 
>Yet again, as we know, the manuscript of yet another work, commonly believed to be a central work of Vygotsky, was NOT preserved either. The same holds for yet another allegedly most important Vygotsky's book.
>So, in sum, I would not be that thankful to those who have been in charge of keeping Vygotsky's archival stuff  alive and, for that matter, accessible.
> From: mike cole <lchcmike@gmail.com>
>To: Anton Yasnitsky <the_yasya@yahoo.com>; "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu> 
>Cc: Alexey Kuznetsov <alexey.math@gmail.com>; Ющенкова Дарья Викторовна <dashulya-psy@mail.ru>; Anton Yasnitsky <anton.yasnitsky@gmail.com>; Мещеряков Борис Гурьевич <borlogic@yahoo.com> 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:04:02 AM
>Subject: Re: [xmca] Special issue on Vygotsky's legacy: groudbreaking discoveries in PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal!
>Thanks to all who carried out this work. Thanks also to those who kept the archival materials alive.
>2012/3/21 Anton Yasnitsky <the_yasya@yahoo.com>
>A special issue of PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological issue has been released lately. This thematic multilingual issue combined a few studies on textology, chronology and historical development of  Vygotsky's works. Several highlights include:
>>- first ever rigorous historical reconstruction of the list of Vygotsky's major works and the chronology of their composition
>>- the sensational finding: Vygotsky never wrote the "History of development of higher mental (psychological) functions" and "Tool and symbol (sign)" the way we know these texts in Russian now
>>- a discussion of Vygotsky's " Tool and Sign" (alias "Tool and Sign"), i.e. the first half of what we all know as "Mind and Society" (1978, chapters 1-4): was Russian text translated from the English one, or the English text translated from Russian one, or both? 
>>- numerous fakes and falsifications in Vygotsky's various published works & the problem of reliability: is it the Vygotsky that we know or rather -- the Vygotsky that we DO NOT know?
>>- full list of editorial interventions in the three editions of Vygotsky's "Thinking and speech" of 1934, 1956, & 1982
>>- a historical, first ever republication of early Vygotsky's articles on art, theatre and literature of 1922: the unknown Vygotsky of his Gomel' period (1917-1924)
>>All these and some other materials, in Russian, English, Portuguese, and French are available FREE, 24/7 online @ http://www.psyanima.ru/journal/2011/4/index.php
>>The editorial team are presently considering publishing a follow-up issue of the journal that would build on these studies, so any 
>>queries, comments, suggestions, and even paper proposals (in virtually any language and of virtually any length) will be greatly appreciated!
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