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[xmca] Al Andalus as a model for *{ }*


I agree that these lines or threads are not very stable. I appreciate the
paths you are forming through the entanglements [and as you add more threads
of your own]
Your comment,

Anyway I was thinking of a discussion around an Edward Said memorial
lecture, looking to the Al-Andalus culture in Andalusia as an inspiration
for Palestine, where is was considered as 'no longer', yet in Andalucia the
form of living is rich with influence from Al-Andalus influence through
those sedimented examples, vibrant in places all through ways of living in
Andalucian life. I wouldn't say 'constrained by it' though. Thinking of
'parole', I would think it would be therre that 'accretion' - as that
gravity that attracts matter, not the formed but  what is doing the forming-
is  active .

I believe this idea is relevant to the discussion on sediments and
threads [lines, paths].  I have always been fascinated with those historical
moments when there was a "golden age" and multiple cultural threads
co-existed [entangled] and profound new ways of perceiving/reasoning opened
up and transFORMED who we are and who we are becoming.  The development of
algebra through this entangled "opening" within  the space of
reasons/perceptions  which was the Al Andalusian culture is a prime
example. I have read that Gothic architecture was profoundly influenced by
this culture. Also "mission" architecture  in Mexico and Southwest USA looks
back to Al Andalus for inspiration. Europe as we know it developed through
this entanglement as libraries were centers of learning. Jews, Christians,
and Moslems ALL mutually sharing in the mutual project of forming the unique
SHARED "space" [place] of reasons/perceptions as they simultaneously
 maintained and deepened their particular distinctiveness as Jews,
Christians, and Moslems. Not an either/or but a both/and model of
entanglement as ENGAGEMENT with and a turning TOWARDS the "other".

WHAT [in particular] is doing the forming in Al Andalus, using the concepts
of sedimentation and artefacts would be a fascinating thread to pursue.


Christine, your suggestion that Palestine could look to Al Andalus as a
model I believe could be expanded to say that Al Andalus could be a model
for our times as it embraced differences through "opening a space of

I also agree that Andy's differentiating "sediment" from "artefacts" and the
issue of temporality implicit in this distinction is an important thread to
entangle into the unstable dialogue.

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