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[xmca] call for papers: Written Communication special issue on cognition and writing

...is attached. p

Attachment: Call for Papers Wtng & Cog.pdf
Description: Call for Papers Wtng & Cog.pdf

Christina Haas, Professor of Writing Studies
College of Liberal Arts ~ University of Minnesota
Editor, Written Communication
*follow WC on twitter - @writtencomm

On Sep 9, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Christina Haas wrote:

Please find attached and pasted in below.

Christina Haas, Professor of Writing Studies
College of Liberal Arts ~ University of Minnesota
Editor, Written Communication
*follow WC on twitter - @writtencomm

7 September 2011

Dear Written Communication Editorial Board members,

I hope this email finds you well.  I am writing with some Written Communication updates.

First, I recently received the annual publisher?s report from Sage, and I have some good news about Written Communication?s most recent impact factor, as calculated by Thomson Reuters for the 2010 Journal Citation Reports.  WC?s impact factor is up -- from 0.63 in 2009 to 0.939 in 2010.  This moves the journal up to a rank of 26th among the 67 communication journals published by Sage, and it is a significant bump.  While impact factor is only one measure of a journal?s success, it does reflect in concrete ways the increasing reach of the research we publish.

This change represents, I think, a renewed interest in writing research among communication, rhetoric, linguistics, and education scholars, but it also reflects the collective work we have done to bring visibility to the journal (by word of mouth, at conferences, in print, and via social media).   However, it is above all a direct result of the fine scholarship that I have been able to publish, due in no small part to your efforts:  your diligent, thorough, and insightful reviews and your soliciting of high quality research manuscripts for the journal. We are already seeing an uptick in the number of manuscript submissions, putting us on pace to exceed recent years? submission numbers.

Second, as you recall from my email to you last spring, WC  is moving to an all-online manuscript submission and review system, called SageTrack.  The system was developed by Sage, but we are fine-tuning it for our use.  Some of you have already received mss to review via SageTrack during our piloting phase.  By the start of 2012, we hope to have the system fully operational.  Thanks for all of you for your patience during the transition.

Third, the response to the CFP for the Special Issue on ?Writing in Global Context? was outstanding, as was the quality of the mss received.  Consequently, the October issue will contain five really top-notch articles on this theme.  In addition, the January 2012 issue will be a continuation of the SI, with three additional articles.  I couldn?t be more pleased with the scope, rigor, and import of these eight Special Issue articles.  Look for this issue soon, online and in print, and be sure to alert other scholars of the articles within it

Fourth, our 2012 Special Issue, ?Writing and Cognition? will be published in July 2012.  A CFP is attached, and I would very much appreciate it if you could distribute is widely.  As you see, this issue (co-edited with Rui A. Alves of the University of Porto) will be in honor of pioneering writing researcher (and EB member) John R. Hayes.  The publication of this SI (in July, 2012) will be concurrent with the EARLI SIG-Writing conference, to be held in Porto, Portugal.  I will be attending the conference and will host a dinner (like we did for WRAB in Fairfax) for Written Communication Editorial Board members and other ?friends? of the journal.  Do let me know if you?ll be there.

Finally, Editorial Board member Summer S. Taylor died suddenly last spring.  The October 2011 issue includes a tribute to Summer, written by Debbie Hawhee and me.  Her loss is sorely felt by the Written Communication community, as well as by many of us personally.

My best as you move into your fall schedules and routines.  As always, my heartfelt thanks for your hard work on behalf of WC.



Christina Haas, Professor of Writing Studies

University of Minnesota

Editor, Written Communication




<EB letter sept 2011 WC.pdf>

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