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Re: [xmca] concepts

Thank you for this wonderful bit of summation Martin. This discussion is certainly turning out to be very fruitful and stimulatinge. Actually I have been taking notes of words for word meaning that need to be followed up and it's quite a long list now:


Doubtless you linguists out there have even more.

At probably terminal risk of getting myself type cast in this discussion, I think I can contribute a suggestion to this intriguing distinction between the inner and outer or maybe internal and external aspects/structure of words, because this is a very fundamental distinction Hegel makes with concepts.

The inner structure of a concept is the relation between the three moments of individual, universal and particular. Universal is the sign or representation of the concept, the individual is a concrete thing subsumed under the concept or the thought of it, and particular is the social practices whereby the universal subsumes the individual. This relation develops from three separate moments through a series of relations until the dynamic identity of the three is achieved.

The outer structure of a concept is the relation of the concept to the rest of the life of the community of which it is a part and contains three aspects which Hegel calls mechanical, chemical and teleological. These relations can be likened to successive concepts of "multiculturalism" in which a community relates to other communities, externally (like a mozaic), by creating affinities (like a melting pot) or by ends-means relations (genuine collaboration). We can probably understand this in terms of semantic associations and so forth.

Hope (against hope) that that helps.

Martin Packer wrote:
In five of the eight chapters (counting the preface) of T&S, LSV introduces a distinction that he insists is important if we are to correctly understand how speech has psychological consequences. In each case the distinction seems different, and his terminology varies accordingly: we have word meaning, inner aspect, external and internal structure, sense and reference, sense and signification. I've summarized these below, ordered by chapter, and cited the Russian where it is available to me. I have also suggested some possible sources for these distinctions. Any help figuring this out further would be greatly appreciated!

Preface (1934?): the meanings of words “word meanings [значения слов] develop in children”

Chapter 1 (1933-34): Inner aspect of the word [внутренней стороне слова]
“what is such unit, which cannot be further resolved and in which the properties are inherently contained in verbal thinking as whole? To us it seems that this unit can be found in the internal aspect of the word [внутренней стороне слова], in its meaning [значении.].”
	von Humboldt?

Chapter 2 (1932): none

Chapter 3 (1932?): none

Chapter 4 (1929):  external structure [внешней структурой] and internal structure [внутренней внутренней]

“the child, as we saw, grasps the external structure earlier than the internal one; the child seizes the external structure: word-thing, which only later becomes a symbolic structure.” [ребенок, как мы видели, раньше овладевает внешней структурой, чем внутренней. Он овладевает внешней структурой: слово — вещь, которая уже после становится структурой символической.]

Chapter 5 (1931): sense and reference
“The first thing that we can learn from contemporary linguistics is that, according to Peterson, it is essential to distinguish between the meaning of a word or expression and its objective reference, i.e. the objects which this word or expression indicates.” [Первое, что мы узнаем из современного языкознания, это то, что необходимо отличать, по выражению Петерсона, значение слова или выражения от предметного отнесения, т.е. от тех предметов, на которые данное слово или выражение указывает.]

“So contemporary linguistics does make a distinction between the meaning and the objective reference of words.” [Таким образом, современное языкознание различает значение и предметную отнесенность слова]
	Gottleib Frege?
	Edmund Husserl?

Chapter 6 (1934): none
Chapter 7: (1933-34):  sense [смыслом ] and signification [значением]

“The first of these is the predominant sense of the word over its meaning in speech inner. Paulhan rendered a great service to the psychological analysis of speech by introducing the distinction between the meaning of the word and its meaning.” [Мы могли в наших исследованиях установить три такие основные особенности, внутренне связанные между собой и образующие своеобразие смысловой стороны внутренней речи. Полан оказал большую услугу психологическому анализу речи тем, что ввел различие между смыслом слова и его значением.]

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