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RE: [xmca] Reviewers wanted for ISCAR 2011

Hi, welcome on board :-) 
Please go to the following link 

and select as many topics you are interested on. 
Please do it within the next three days so I can include you in the process 
Thank you so much for being willing for this task, your work and your professionality is really appreciated 

> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 01:25:59 +0000
> From: blantonwe@comcast.net
> To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> Subject: Re: [xmca] Reviewers wanted for ISCAR 2011
> I will volunteer to reviw. 
> Bill Blanton 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Beatrice Ligorio" <bealigorio@hotmail.com> 
> To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 5:56:09 PM 
> Subject: [xmca] Reviewers wanted for ISCAR 2011 
> Dear all, as you may know Iscar second deadline just passed. More than 500 submissions landed into the web-system and now more reviewers are needed. 
> If any one of you - not involved yet as Iscar reviewer - would like to cover this role please contact me now at my personal email address bealigorio@hotmail.com 
> Why should you be a reviewer? To have a test of what Iscar is and to have a chance to read forehand what it will be presented during the conference. 
> Who can be a reviewer? Any one involved in research and academia familiar with Iscar and CHAT research 
> What exactly would imply be a reviewer? You may be requested to assess from 3 to 10 submissions. I would like to have the review forms filled no later than mid October. 
> If you have any more questions please contact me. Any suggestion of other people you think could be involved outside of this mailing list is welcome. 
> Many thanks in advance   
> Beatrice Ligorio 
> Iscar review process responsible 
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