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Re: [xmca] The strange situation

Hi Martin
I was at the summer school last year.  According to my notes the term
Gennady used was овладение (ovladenie) which I would translate as mastery or
mastering rather than acquiring.  I do not know if this is how it is usually
translated though - others may be able to elaborate on this.

Have just caught up with this interesting conversation over the weekend
(perils of part-time PhD study).  The "pair pedagogy" is indeed a crucial
part of creating the ZPD in Golden Key Schools.  There are different terms
in Russian for the two teachers - one is a "teacher" or учитель (uchitel')
and the other a "nurturer" or воспитатель (vospitatel') who takes care of
the moral upbringing of the child, two aspects of development that were not
separate in Vygotsky's time and which are reunited in the GK schools.

The Golden Key School methodology (including pair pedagogy) was developed by
Elena and Gennady together with their colleague Elena Berezhkovskaya.

Elena and Gennady have also published the following chapter which may be of

Kravtsov, G. G., & Kravtsova, E. E. (2009). Cultural-historical psychology
in the practice of education (S. March, Trans.). In M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard &
J. Tudge (Eds.), World yearbook of education 2009:  childhood studies and
the impact of globalization:  policies and practices at global and local
levels. New York: Routledge.

Sue March
PhD Candidate
Monash University, Australia

On 18/04/10 11:26 AM, "Martin Packer" <packer@duq.edu> wrote:

> P.S. Gennadi Kravtsov writes that "Acquiring is a very important concept in
> Vygotsky’s theory." Can any one tell me what Russian word is being used here,
> and how it is usually translated, because I don't think 'acquire' appears as a
> central concept in the English translations I am familiar with.
> Martin
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