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Re: [xmca] Being Searched at School

Surveillance takes other forms in more affluent suburbs.

In Lower Merion outside Philadelphia, the high school issued laptops to the students, and then remotely turned on the built-in cameras so they could monitor the students' activities in their bedrooms or wherever.

On Tue, 23 Feb 2010, Lois Holzman wrote:

I invite everyone to watch a short clip from The Wok/Play devised and performed by Youth Onstage young people  http://vimeo.com/9684907. It speaks volumes on their experience of  schooling. For those who aren't familiar with high schools in poor neighborhoods in US cities, the scene is set at the school entrance where security guards put their stuff through a metal detector and search the kids each morning. Enjoy their creative response to an impossible and oppressive "learning" environment.

Lois Holzman, Director
East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy
920 Broadway, 14th floor
New York NY 10010
tel. 212.941.8906 ext. 324
fax 718.797.3966

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Tony Whitson
UD School of Education
NEWARK  DE  19716


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 are obliged to read the same story everywhere"
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