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[xmca] Fwd: TCRecord: Non-Evidence about Tracking: Critiquing the New Report from the Fordham Institute

The tracking article appears relevant to those focused on educational
reforms at present.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teachers College Record <noreply@tcrecord.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 7:56 AM
Subject: TCRecord: Non-Evidence about Tracking: Critiquing the New Report
from the Fordham Institute
To: mcole@ucsd.edu

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Teacher Professional Communities Aimed at Instructional Improvement and
School Reform <http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=14625>
by Marnie Willis Curry
 This article examines school-based professional inquiry communities known
as Critical Friends Groups, analyzing how four design features-their diverse
menu of activities, their decentralized structure, their interdisciplinary
membership, and their reliance on structured conversation tools called
"protocols"-influence the capacity of these groups to pursue whole-school
reform and instructional improvement.

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Historical and Contemporary Representation of Black
by Jerome Morris
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contemporary scholarship on Black schooling. Led primarily, but not
exclusively, by African American scholars, this trend offered a
counternarrative to the representation of predominantly Black schools before
and after the passage of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, and
noted the significant role of Black schools for African American people. The
paper situates this counternarrative within a chronological context, which
provides the reader with a sequential understanding of how this body of
research began to offer a different view of Black schools.

 Non-Evidence about Tracking: Critiquing the New Report from the Fordham
Institute <http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=15872>
by Kevin G. Welner
A new report authored by Tom Loveless and published by the Fordham Institute
misleads in an attempt to convince policymakers to maintain tracking
policies. The report combines weak data with questionable analyses to
manufacture a flawed argument against detracking.
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by Byron Auguste, Bryan Hancock & Matt Miller
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equivalent of a permanent national recession, but there is reason for hope:
race and poverty are not destiny.
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by Gary Natriello
The editors of TCR announce a call for proposals for future volumes of the
NSSE Yearbooks.

For Subscribers
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by Mark R. Warren, Soo Hong, Carolyn Heang Rubin & Phitsamay Sychitkokhong
 Presenting the results of case study research on collaborations between
community-based organizations and public schools, this article identifies a
relational approach to parent engagement that can lead to broader and deeper
participation by low-income families in the life of public schools.

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