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Re: [xmca] Obama's Learn Act

I am somewhat afraid that this post may be seen as "purveying academic drivel for self advancement", as Mike puts it." But here goes.
The second edition of The Meaning Makers - the study of children  
learning to talk and talking to learn at home and school, based on  
the Bristol Study that I carried out a quarter of a century ago, has  
recently been published. As well as the original text, updated where  
appropriate, it contains three additional chapters that survey and  
comment on what has happened since the original publication. I do  
believe the evidence of that study is relevant to the ongoing  
discussion of the Learn Act.
For those who are interested, here are the publication details:
	The Meaning Makers
Series:  New Perspectives on Language and Education
Author: Gordon Wells
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1847691986
ISBN-13: 9781847691989
Pub Date: 01 Aug 2009
List price: £19.95  Discount: 20%  Our Price: £15.96
US List price: $29.95  Discount: 20%  US Price: $23.96

Gordon Wells		<gwells@ucsc.edu>			http://people.ucsc.edu/~gwells/
Department of Education
University of California, Santa Cruz.

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