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Re: [xmca] Second funeral held for Chilean activist Victor Jara

Thanks, Ulvi. I notice your coup d'etat was just one day after ours but 7 years later! I don't know about those studies. There are some studies about social memory in Chile but they are socio psychological ones or trauma studies, not CHAT studies.
Cheers from Chile!

On Dec 7, 2009, at 8:26 AM, ulvi icil wrote:

Thanks to you, David.

Well, he entered eternally into my life in 1979 - just one year before "our own US backed Turkish fascist military coup in September 12th, 1980 - the year when I joined Youth Communist League of the Communist Party of Turkey and solidarity feeling in CPT with the fate of the Chilean people was quite strong, Victor, Salvador Allende were - and still are - very valuable and beloved figures in our communist movement here in Turkey...as well as for
the leftist students, intellectuals.

Thanks also for the information about stadiums.

And now, a suggestion about an issue directly related with XMCA and a
universal one, beyond Chile...

Does anybody know any study which investigates the role of singers like Victor Jara or Pete Seeger or others play in their respective countries in the social consciousness of the people? Certainly there should be books on these singers, but I specifically ask from the point of view of the role or the effect of the singer in social formation of his/her people's mind and


2009/12/7, David Preiss <ddpreiss@me.com>:

Thanks, Ulvi. How did you learn about Victor Jara?

Just for the sake of social memory let me clarify that these actually are two different stadiums. He was killed in the formerly known as Estadio
Chile, which was renamed after him. The Estadio Nacional served as a
concentration camp as well, as many other places in Chile.

For those XMCArs, whom do not know Victor Jara, info on him can be found
here: http://fundacionvictorjara.cl/



On Dec 6, 2009, at 11:38 AM, ulvi icil wrote:

Hi David,

I deeply and profoundly love him, he is one of the most important and
musicians in my life...

I remember Silvio Rordriguez from Cuba, when he came with Chucho Valdes
his group Irakere to Santiago de Chile in 1990 and gave a concert in that very same national stadium in which Victor was assassinated brutally, a
concert which, he declared to nearly 80 thousand people, that he
dedicates to Victor.

I also know that later the stadium was named Victor Jara National Stadium, that the widow of Victor, Joan, nowadays struggles for the declaration of
as national cultural heritage.

Istanbul, Turkey

2009/12/6, David Preiss <ddpreiss@me.com>:

After two decades the dictatorship was over, we are still having
for those killed by Pinochet.

And we will be for a long time.

For those of you that love his music, this story may be relevant:


David Preiss
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