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Re: [xmca] Consciousness "only a part of the material quality of the man-sign"


Well, the (putative) representational systems studied by cognitive science, which are taken to be mental functions, properties of thought, which are not doubted to have a material substrate (the brain) but which are assumed not to be material themselves but ideal, in Plato's rather than Ilyenkov's sense. Chomsky's generative grammar is a good example. Piaget's theory of the mental actions and operations going on 'inside the head' of child is another.

On Sep 24, 2009, at 9:09 PM, Andy Blunden wrote:

Martin, tell me a representational system which is *not* material.


Martin Packer wrote:
humans have evolved to use an ordered series of "representational systems." The sequence is as follows: the episodic, mimetic, mythic, and theoretic. I won't go into the details, but crucially important, I think, is that these systems are material.
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