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Re: [xmca] A magic moment: swearing-in gaffe

I listened to the videos of the inauguration speech and the swearing in tonight. Language gaffes can be fun to analyze. I agree with Ageliki, the gaffe during the swearing-in was the justice's. At, first, it does appear as Carol observed that Obama forgot his line, and secondly, as Ageliki observers, that the problem was the order of the word "faithfully." It happens very fast. But I don't think either of those are quite what happened, on closer examination. A few looks at the short video seems to reveal what the precise problem was.
My sense (after running the short video a few times) is that Obama  
stopped because he was trying to help Chief Justice Roberts correct an  
error so Obama could say a line correctly.  The error appears to be  
Roberts saying "the office of the President **to** the United States"  
instead of "the office of the President **of** the United States."
Obama's leadership skills and acute awareness of himself and others  
can be a delight to watch, and this appears to be another example.   
Despite the justice, Obama wound up saying his lines perfectly, while  
never losing either his composure,  awareness of the words in play,  
sense of humor, or connection with the justice.
Here is my take on this little language-based gaffe:

R:  Are you prepared to take the oath, Senator?
O:  I am.

R:  I, Barack Hussein Obama ... (pauses)
O:  I, Barack ...

R:  (interrupts) "... do solemnly swear... "
O:  (starts over) I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear ...

R: ... that I will execute the office of President **to** the United States faithfully ... O: that I will execute ... (stops, frowns, drops his head and looks at Roberts with a hard look that I interpret as saying "say your line correctly, pal," patiently waiting, apparently unwilling to say the incorrect President "to" the United States but also unwilling to say the line correctly without Roberts saying it first).
R:  (stuttering over his words) the off ... faithfully the pres ...  
office of the President of the United States ...
O: (grinning in a friendly way while looking at Roberts ... Obama then  
proceeds as soon as he hears Roberts say the phrase "office of the  
President **of** the United States," putting it all together and  
speaking rapidly) ... the office of the President of the United States  
faithfully ...
R: (back on track) and will, to the best of my ability ...
Etc.  The rest went as planned.

I used the video of the swearing-in in the "Latest Video" box in today (Wednesday's) LA Times page at

So my theory is that a wrong preposition was the culprit. Other takes on what happened?
- Steve

On Jan 21, 2009, at 5:19 AM, Ageliki Nicolopoulou wrote:

A slight correction about the "endearing moment." It was actually the child of justice who made a mistake and gave Obama the words in the wrong order. So Obama stopped at the word previously omitted (or put later on), smiled (what seemed to most people that he could not remember), then the chief of justice gave the words in the right order! --Ageliki
Carol Macdonald wrote:

Carol Macdonald says:

What I found interesting was the poetic nature of his speech--"not this... but this" and no sign of any notes. It was most endearing when the chief justice gave him chunks that were too large in his oath and he got a bit lost. For heaven's sake, when you get married they give you bite size chunks to follow!! A guy at church last night wondered why we are only able to raise up black leaders in the last two decades. Well I think they had to fight from the bottom up, and have the dignity not to berate us for our
despicable behaviour in the past. Instead they give *us* dignity... .

2009/1/21 Mary van der Riet <VanDerRiet@ukzn.ac.za>

Indeed - the whole world is/was watching
Nelson Mandela referred to him as: new hope for the world


Mary van der Riet; School of Psychology; University of KwaZulu-Natal
Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209

email: vanderriet@ukzn.ac.za
tel: 033 260 6163;  fax: 033 2605809

Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net> 2009/01/20 12:07 PM >>>

Likewise in Australia. There is an Obama Party being held in
our street as I write and the TV covergae goes all night
tonight. Everyone seems to have projected their own hopes
and aspirations on to this guy, worldwide.


Beatrice Ligorio wrote:

Mike I just want to add that this event was a great emotion for Europe

We are all watching America as a new hope for global change. So much expectations are coming from this new American president and his new way of leading a powerful country, so influencial on the rest of the world.
The wave got till the old continent :-)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Duvall, Emily" <emily@uidaho.edu >
To: <mcole@weber.ucsd.edu>; "eXtended Mind, Culture,Activity"
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:11 AM
Subject: RE: [xmca] A magic moment

Thank you Mike.
Good luck to us all.

-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu ]
On Behalf Of Mike Cole
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 6:01 PM
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Cc: communication@ucsd.edu; Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition
Internal List
Subject: [xmca] A magic moment

Dear Xmca-ers--

Tonight is a magic moment. In the Los Angeles Times this morning there
editorial "cartoon" that had a picture of the Calendar with Martin
King, on
January 19th, pointing to the future-- of January 20th, when, Humanity
willing, when
an African-American will become president of the United States.

I feel unbelievably luck to be alive, present, and, in my small
way, a participant
in such an event. The site of Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen singing
Guthrie's hymn
to the promise of this troubled country with its checkered history in
of Lincoln's statue
yesterday was a sight I NEVER expected to live to see. When I was a
my family's anti-
racism and belief in social justice produced some very hard times. When
went to graduate
school in Indiana and picketed Woolworth's literally dogged by the
my New York liberal
friends thought it was so obvious and unnecessary they couldn't be
When I returned
from the USSR in 1963 and did not know enough to turn south from New
York to
be present in
Washington for MLK's speech at the Lincoln memorial, but had to hear it
while driving west on the
Pennsylvania turnpike, we felt the lost opportunity sorely.

All events, long past.

LCHC holds this truth to be self evident: All persons are created equal.
are rendered unequal
by the environment into which we are born, an environment that, in the
general ideological-theoretical
assumptions of xmca, is not forced upon human beings locked into an iron
cage, but is, with proper
respect and humility, constructed and (may our grand children hope)
preserved by the actions we take
now. today. tomorrow. and the days following.

Gotta turn off the TV. The trivia level is almost more than I can bear.
Better to turn to friends coming to
celebrate and pray for the future, and to listen to Pete Seeger leading
nation in us thought that,
just maybe, we can overcome.

Bon nuit
bueno noche
spokoini nochi
and lots of good luck. We all need it.

(the 50's guy)
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Ageliki Nicolopoulou
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, Lehigh University
17 Memorial Drive East
Bethlehem, PA  18015-3068

Personal Webpage:      http://www.lehigh.edu/~agn3/index.htm
Departmental Webpage:  http://www.lehigh.edu/~inpsy/nicolopoulou.html

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