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Re: [xmca] The belated reflections on Anna's and Peter's article

Martin Packer wrote:
We need to return to Hegel and to Marx, and to the suggestion that
alienation and false consciousness require a kind of investigation that goes
beyond participants' practices, ...
Just a couple of trivial comments, Martin. "False 
consciousness" dates from Lukacs, but really, in my opinion, 
is an invention of anti-communism in the 1970s, falsely 
imputing the concept to Marx. The idea is of course quite 
meaningless in a Hegelian perspective.

As Andy has noted, it's very odd that
Habermas has never shown interest in Vygotsky, for example.)
And I have made efforts to get senior Frankfurt School 
people to consider Vygotsky, without success. I know that 
Frederick van Gelder has read my critique of Habermas on 
this point, and I have made critiques of Axel Honneth on 
this that I know his close collaborators at least have read. 
Nancy Fraser is the only one I know who rates Vygtosky 
highly, but I don't she's ever actually used him in her work.

But as I say, it's just in my imagination!

Andy Blunden http://home.mira.net/~andy/ +61 3 9380 9435 Skype andy.blunden
Hegel's Logic with a Foreword by Andy Blunden:

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