Re: [xmca] Fwd: IMPORTANT-- HELP Public Education Change! Sign this petition now!

From: Elina Lampert-Shepel <ellampert who-is-at>
Date: Thu Nov 13 2008 - 05:37:15 PST

Thanks, Ana. I was her student at TC.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Ana Marjanovic-Shane <> wrote:

> HI,
> I am forwarding this request as very important for education.
> Ana
> _____________________________
> Ana Marjanovic-Shane
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Rachel Schwartzman <>
>> Date: November 11, 2008 9:26:32 PM EST
>> Hi Folks (sorry for this kind of email, but SO important),
>> PLEASE take one minute to sign this petition that could significantly
>> alter the direction of education under the Obama office... There is a big
>> range in people on his short list to appoint to education secretary,
>> including the nightmarish NYC chancellor of ed Joel Klien (eek!). My
>> school and countless other progressive teachers are urging people to sign a
>> petition for the appointment of Linda Darling Hammond. Below is lots of
>> information about her if you want to know the specifics...
>> Or, just sign the petition at:
>> Hopefully,
>> Rachel
>> Hello Friends and Family,
>>> I am writing to ask you to sign a very quick and easy
>>> petition that will be sent to Barack Obama's transition team. As he
>>> goes through the process of choosing his cabinet, we are asking that he
>>> appoint Dr.
>>> Linda Darling-Hammond as his education secretary. She is
>>> on his short
>>> list for the job, and she is BY FAR the most qualified and
>>> progressive
>>> candidate on his list. Dr. Darling-Hammond has taken
>>> strong stances
>>> against the privatization of public education and against
>>> tying
>>> high-stakes testing to the funding of public schools.
>>> Having her as
>>> secretary of education could substantially alter the course
>>> of public
>>> education in the U.S.!
>>> Here is where you can sign the petition:
>>> Hello BCS Team,
>>> When I was a teacher, and Linda Darling Hammond was at
>>> (National Center for Reform of Education, Schools, and
>>> Teaching @
>>> Columbia Teachers College, I had the honor and privilege
>>> of I
>>> working with her on a project that documented conversation
>>> and
>>> community in classrooms - and how this affected learning.
>>> For a
>>> year, one of her graduate interns recorded and transcribed
>>> conversations I had with students and those they had with
>>> each other.
>>> Linda Darling Hammond then moved to Stanford University and
>>> I've
>>> followed her work from afar. She is an expert on how
>>> children learn
>>> and how race and class issues impact schools , teaching,
>>> and learning.
>>> Most recently Linda Darling Hammond has served as an
>>> education
>>> adviser to Barack Obama and now it is reported that
>>> she's a candidate
>>> for Secretary of Education. Wouldn't it be amazing to
>>> have an
>>> educator, a true education scholar, serving in this role?
>>> We know by
>>> now where the business model has gotten our businesses -
>>> and our
>>> schools. And we now how schools and students and teachers
>>> struggle
>>> when people who know little to nothing about human
>>> development or
>>> learning are empowered to make education policy decisions.
>>> Her
>>> leadership offers the potential for substantive educational
>>> reform on
>>> a national level. Below is some information about how to
>>> sign a
>>> petition supporting Linda Darling Hammond's appointment
>>> as US
>>> Secretary of Education. Take some time to read about her -
>>> it's easy
>>> to find information about her. And if she seems like the
>>> kind of
>>> educational leader you are hoping for - then please take
>>> time to
>>> recommend her.
>>> Alyce
>>> here is the correct link for the petition:
>>> If you are feeling especially adventurous, feel free to
>>> send a letter
>>> to Obama's transition team at
>>> Below I've pasted the wording of the letter I sent
>>> (which you are
>>> welcome to copy if you'd like).
>>> As always, if you don't want to receive these kinds of
>>> political
>>> e-mails from me, just let me know and I will take you off
>>> my list.
>>> The next e-mail will likely be an essay I wrote on where we
>>> go from
>>> here now that Obama is our President-Elect.
>>> Best,
>>> Sonia
>>> ________________________________
>>> My letter to Obama:
>>> Dear President-Elect Obama,
>>> I am writing to urge you to appoint Dr. Linda
>>> Darling-Hammond as
>>> Secretary of Education. Dr. Darling-Hammond has played a
>>> pivotal role
>>> in shaping the field of education for decades now, and her
>>> work has
>>> been marked by a longstanding commitment to social justice
>>> and equity.
>>> You evoked these sentiments so many times during your
>>> campaign, and I
>>> hope you will live up to your stated intentions to protect
>>> the
>>> educational rights of all children by appointing someone to
>>> this post
>>> who has demonstrated a nuanced understanding of what it
>>> takes to
>>> achieve educational equity.
>>> Dr. Darling-Hammond's career has been characterized by
>>> attention to
>>> the effects of systemic and institutionalized oppressions
>>> such as
>>> racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia, and she has
>>> opposed efforts
>>> to privatize public education and to impose high-stakes
>>> standardized
>>> testing as a means of assessing schools' progress and
>>> determining the
>>> allocation of funds. In this very difficult and
>>> contentious time, we
>>> desperately need someone like Dr. Darling-Hammond to help
>>> guide
>>> federal educational policy with an expertise that is rooted
>>> in a
>>> commitment to the educational rights of everyone,
>>> especially those who
>>> live in marginalized communities. If you want to make real
>>> change as
>>> President of the United States, this is one area where your
>>> cabinet
>>> appointment can have a profound effect on all of us.
>>> You owe this not only to us voters, but also to all the
>>> young people
>>> in this country who will become the future electorate.
>>> Please don't
>>> forget them, President-Elect Obama.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Sonia M. Rosen
>>> University of Pennsylvania
>>> Graduate School of Education
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