[xmca] FW: Job Posting

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Wed Oct 08 2008 - 05:53:19 PDT

Please respond to the person listed in the posting.

Open Rank Faculty Positions in Language and Literacy

The Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University (MSU), a
national leader in teacher preparation and research on teaching, teacher
learning, curriculum, policy, and international education, is seeking
several open-rank tenure-stream professors in Language and Literacy. Of
particular interest are scholars with demonstrated leadership at their
institutions and nationally in language and literacy education, as well as
scholars specializing in language and literacy. These are academic year
positions with a negotiable starting date of Fall 2009.
A broad range of scholars in literacy education are invited to apply, and
all applicants will be reviewed for potential fit with programs within the
department, college, and institutional needs and opportunities, including
work with MSU's Literacy Achievement Research Center (LARC;
http://www.msularc.org) and Language & Literacy graduate programs
http://ed-web3.educ.msu.edu/literacy/). Successful candidates will have
opportunities to engage in research and teaching related to language and
literacy, as well as to collaborate with nationally recognized faculty in
research and program development.
Major responsibilities could include: (1) teaching undergraduate, master's,
and doctoral courses; (2) conducting innovative, rigorous research; (3)
advising graduate students; (4) leading or supporting program development;
(5) contributing to intra-university or school-university partnerships; or
(6) collaborating with or mentoring other faculty.
Qualifications. Applicants should have an earned relevant doctoral degree.
They should provide evidence of accomplishment (including grantsmanship),
teaching, advisory mentorship (especially of graduate students and untenured
faculty), and collaborative success in research, teaching, and service
and/or program development. Applicants should provide relevant information
about (a) experience working with prospective and practicing teachers in
culturally diverse settings; (b) specialty in language and literacy; (c)
demonstrated leadership at their institutions and nationally in language and
literacy education; (d) interest in educational research training and the
development of literacy scholars; (e) a strong record of research,
publication and involvement in language and literacy research and practice;
(f) an established record of obtaining and leading funded research projects;
and (g) ability to contribute to existing strengths and initiatives in areas
such as teacher preparation and induction, urban education and diversity,
and/or educational applications of technology.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vita,
and names and contact information for three references. All application
materials must be sent in electronic form to the search administrative
assistant at burtkara@msu.edu (indicate "Language and Literacy Search" in
the subject line).
    Dr. Douglas K. Hartman
    Chair, Language and Literacy Search
    c/o Karalyn Burt, 320 Erickson Hall
    Department of Teacher Education
    Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1034
Please see the College web site (http://www.educ.msu.edu/) for information
about the College and this position. We invite inquiries to any of the
search committee members: Laura Apol (apol@msu.edu), Samantha Caughlan
(caughlan@msu.edu), Janine Certo (certo@msu.edu), Nell Duke
(nkduke@msu.edu), Carol Sue Englert (carolsue@msu.edu), Doug Hartman
(dhartman@msu.edu), or Mary Juzwik (mmjuzwik@msu.edu). Review of
applications will begin November 1, 2008 and will continue until the
position is filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. MSU is
an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

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Received on Wed Oct 8 05:54 PDT 2008

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