[xmca] Teach English in China

From: Andy Blunden <ablunden who-is-at mira.net>
Date: Sun Sep 28 2008 - 02:34:56 PDT

Anyone interested in a spell of Teaching English as a Second
Language in China please contact Chris in Wuhan.

chris mackins wrote:
> Anyone wants to teach generally in China there is a shortage of native 
> foreign speakers and a 'teach as foreign language' ticket is not 
> necessary. There are several websites for that with lists of jobs in China.
> I have been at this school for couple of years but only this semester 
> taken on the management of this department.  I have around 12 Chinese 
> teachers and 6 native speak teachers from 4 different countries and we 
> teach around 700 students to an approximate IELTS 6 or 6.5. Some 
> teachers only come 6 or 12 months and I desperatly need to keep a core 
> of more established teachers on a longer rotation period for continuity 
> and to help establish better structure.
> The pay is 3800 RMNB per month and a package that pays equivalent of 
> half pay each month for holiday 3 months - which is peanuts - but within 
> China I lived well and travelled all summer 2 month and winter 6 week 
> holiday on it; is equivalent buying power of lower middle class income 
> in west. The return flight is paid by the school, half at end of first 
> semester and half at end of contract.
> The apartments are all being refurbished and are more than good enough - 
> comfortable with living room, bedroom, hall (my office) kitchen and 
> bathroom. 2 air conditioners, computer and internet. Apartment and all 
> services are supplied free - except drinking water and net line 
> (together about 100 RMNB per month)
> The work is minimum 16 periods per week in double periods of 45 minutes 
> each with break - lesson planning etc is expected. More periods are 
> always available at 60 RMNB per period.
> There are no unreasonable restrictions on foreigners here (there are at 
> some schools) beyond the normal that you would expect in a Uni anywhere.
> The students (20 to 23 years old) for the most part are hard-working, 
> respectful and usually delightful to be around.
> If anyone is interested in this then they should contact me in the first 
> instance and if they are suitable I will get the foreign affairs office 
> here to contact them with official details and offer. I am looking 
> specifically for teachers for my department - but there are also same 
> condition positions in other departments for suitable people. Always 
> places for post grads without teaching quals to teach oral english and 
> western culture as foreign 'expert'.
> For my part I love it here and in China generally, it is maybe the 
> safest country I have ever lived or worked in (maybe 30 - 35 countries) 
> the job is easy enough, the money is enough, the food and beer is 
> good and the people are lovely.
> Chris Mackins
Andy Blunden http://home.mira.net/~andy/ +61 3 9380 9435 
Skype andy.blunden
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Received on Sun Sep 28 02:35 PDT 2008

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