[xmca] Bike for Obama

From: Ana Marjanovic-Shane <anamshane who-is-at speakeasy.net>
Date: Thu Sep 18 2008 - 14:48:55 PDT


Our son, Giga, joined a group of young people in a project to help
Senator Obama win the election in November. Their project is to bike
from Florida (Ft Lauderdale) to Washington DC in 16 days in October.
They want to raise people's awareness about the election as well as to
raise money for Obama's campaign. You can see the route they will take
and also follow their progress on the websites below.

Please help them succeed by joining in their efforts!! No, you do not
have to bike yourself!!! But, please donate as much as you can for
their project and spread the word among all the friends and family!



Ana Marjanovic-Shane

xmca mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 18 15:43 PDT 2008

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