[xmca] Vygotsky

From: GH <documax2 who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Sep 11 2008 - 17:41:58 PDT

Is anyone interested in acquiring the domain name vygotsky.info ?
Doing something with it is likely to be one of those growing lists of
projects of mine that will probably never get done. And there's a few
ahead of it in the queue.
Anyway, it's a gem of a domain to hold, and valuable too - so I'll be
sorry to part with it - but contact me if anyone's interest is piqued.
I'd imagine that someone here might put it to good use.

Glen Hamilton, Ph.D.
Georgetown Univ. Med Center and Corcoran College.
Washington DC
xmca mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 11 17:43 PDT 2008

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