RE: [xmca] Electronic Buddies?

From: Andrew Coppens <andrewcoppens who-is-at>
Date: Wed Jul 09 2008 - 06:59:43 PDT

The Peace Corps program "World Wise Schools" ( may
be something to look into. I participated in this program during my service in
Nicaragua, and found it flexible and very rewarding. I think the WWS office in
Washington could help match your student to a teacher(s)/PC volunteer that
lives in an area where internet and other necessary technologies are available.
My own experience was via paper mail. In parts of Nicaragua, for example, there
are currently PC volunteers working with local teachers (some in TEFL with secondary school teachers) in
larger cities where the internet is available and inexpensive through cafes.
The Peace Corps in Nicaragua would likely be open to this type of collaboration
with one or multiple volunteers, even perhaps outside of the WWS program.
I hope this helps!
Andrew Coppens
Andrew D. Coppens
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Received on Wed Jul 9 07:01 PDT 2008

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